Sam and Jurahee Silvers along with their children Shepherd and Staten are the fourth generation to live and work on this beautiful Texas Hill Country land. Their commitment for livestock and range management is the backbone of Silvers Livestock and La Cabra Meat. The Silvers are both involved in Agriculture Education and this business is an extension of what they know and love.
Jurahee's love for nutrient dense food has blossomed with her young family. She has recently started a chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation for the Texas Hill Country. Jurahee implements the Holistic Management Framework which she learned in the HMI Beginning Texas Farm and Ranch Women Course in 2013-2014.
Sam's passion for the sheep and goat industry is the foundation for the breeding program at La Cabra Meat. The Silvers raise a show line of registered Hampshires and Rambouillets you can check them out at www.silverslivestock.com.
The Silvers work and lifelong dedication to livestock make La Cabra Meat a well rounded business.
Jurahee is the granddaughter of Frank Tillman, a lifelong West Texas rancher from Junction, Texas. He was given a statue of Pablo Picasso's 1950 La Cabra or "She-Goat" by his sister Sadie Hudson. He kept the statue in his living room window until his death in 2011.
Frank raised cattle, sheep and goats and was a steward of the land at La Cabra Meat. He was an avid organic gardener and loved being around his family and friends.
The name La Cabra Meat is in homage to him.