Lamb and Goat
Our Lambs and Goats are processed at The Mercantile Co Meat Processing in Utopia, Texas. They are raised on native pasture with diets consisting of grass, forbs, and browse.
Please order through the Contact Us form or email
Whole or Half Lamb Discount
$15/lb plus $50 Processing Fee
Available Individual Lamb Cuts and Prices
Loin Chops
Rack of Lamb
Shoulder Roast
Shoulder Steaks
Leg Roast
Rib Chops
Neck Steaks
Ground Lamb
Whole or Half Goat Discount
$14/lb plus $50 Processing Fee
Avaliable Individual Goat Cuts and Prices
Whole Loin
Shoulder Roast
Leg Roast
Neck Roast
Customer Reviews
Hi Jurahee, I had stopped at a farmers market in San Antonio before coming home and picked up fresh leaf lettuce, white carrots and white beets to have with my roasted chicken. You cannot even imagine how yummy this meal was!! And, it was too easy. Keep me on your list! Ozona, Texas
These chickens are awesome! When are you going to butcher more? Just wondering how long I need to space these out. We've eaten two already and I don't think I can go back to store bought chicken. Rocksprings, Texas
Best, most nutritious & tasteful meat available for purchase locally. Nice to have more options in the freezer than just home-butchered venison and the occasional rabbit/fish. Junction, Texas

This Warm Lamb Chop Salad was the featured
Go Texan Special
Cafe at the Ridge in Kerrville, Texas